
Afar #writephoto

This week’s Photo Prompt challenge comes from Sue Vincent.

Green fields leading to distant, snow-covered hills, lit with the pink-gold glow of sunset

Terri and Jay were touring the countryside on a chilly wintry day. With scarves over their noses and holding hands, they could not risk being motionless.

“I want you to know that if I die of hypothermia, I do not grant you permission to remarry,” Terri said.

Jay smiled. He knew Terri is capable of dark humor from time to time.

“Yes, I want you to die alone and unhappy. Makes you miss me, appreciate me, and pushes you to come to the other side to be with me.”

They both laughed.

“You’re so selfish.”

“Don’t act like this is new for either of us.”

Jay really took in the scenery. “I’m having deja vu. I think I saw this in a dream. I don’t know why we were here, but I remember feeling my grandfather’s presence.”

“Didn’t he pass like 40 years ago?”

“Yes. Maybe it’s connected to where he’s from. Where his family is from. Where he’s buried. Where he wants to be buried.”

Terri heard the quiet eagerness and passion in Jay’s voice and chose to delay what she knew was coming. “He was adopted, right? Even with all the research he did, he didn’t know anything about his birth family. Why is he sending this kind of message to you from afar, like it’s up to you to find all answers and right all wrongs?”

“I don’t know.” Jay thought for a while. “Maybe he found answers after he passed and he wants me to complete his wishes.”

She heard Jay’s quiet eagerness and passion again. “Are we extending our vacation here so you can investigate?”

“No. So we can investigate.”


Thanks for reading.

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